If you’re looking for the fastest and easiest way to bot 120 mining on RuneScape, look no further than rsmacro. This efficient and easy-to-use macroing program is designed specifically for RuneScape players who want to level up their skills quickly and safely. Let’s take a closer look at how this program works and what it can do for you.
We will be utilizing the “key sender” script in rsmacro to achieve 120 mining, or even 200m mining xp. The key sender script will allow you to send keyboard keys to the game window at whatever interval you want. Personally I botted 120 mining/200m XP from sending the key {Space} at an interval of 8-45 seconds.
When using key sender, it’s very important you put the key you want to send in the correct format, for example, if you want to send the spacebar to the game, you must send it as {Space} , not Space.
You can find all key formats and key codes by clicking here
Now, here’s my video demonstrating how exactly we will use rsmacro with the key sender to bot mining to 120