Consider the following scenario: You need to increase the font-size in a Word document by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + '.', using the Send Keys Action.
In this case, you would want to simulate the dot key press, which is not the same as sending the dot character. To simulate key-presses inside a Send Keys Action, use the following notation:
where KeyCode is the capital form of the letter itself for letters A-Z, OemSemicolon for ';', Oemplus for '+', Oemcomma for ',', OemMinus for '-', OemPeriod for '.', OemQuestion for '?', Oemtilde for '~', OemOpenBrackets for '[', OemPipe for '|', etc. You will find the full list of the valid Key Codes at the bottom of this help topic.
To return back to the Word example, the font-size increase should be written as:
To produce a colon ':' key press, you may use
The same rule applies for other characters produced by pressing Shift + another key.
Full List of Valid Key Codes
LButton RButton Cancel MButton XButton1 XButton2 Back Tab LineFeed Clear Enter Return ShiftKey ControlKey Menu Pause CapsLock Capital HangulMode HanguelMode KanaMode JunjaMode FinalMode KanjiMode HanjaMode Escape IMEConvert IMENonconvert IMEAccept IMEAceept IMEModeChange Space Prior PageUp PageDown Next End Home Left Up Right Down Select Execute Snapshot PrintScreen Insert Delete Help |
BrowserSearch BrowserFavorites BrowserHome VolumeMute VolumeDown VolumeUp MediaNextTrack MediaPreviousTrack MediaStop MediaPlayPause LaunchMail SelectMedia LaunchApplication1 LaunchApplication2 OemSemicolon Oem1 Oemplus Oemcomma OemMinus OemPeriod Oem2 OemQuestion Oem3 Oemtilde Oem4 OemOpenBrackets OemPipe Oem5 OemCloseBrackets Oem6 OemQuotes Oem7 Oem8 Oem102 OemBackslash ProcessKey Packet Attn Crsel Exsel EraseEof Play Zoom NoName Pa1 OemClear KeyCode Shift Control Alt Modifiers |
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z LWin RWin Apps Sleep NumPad0 NumPad1 NumPad2 NumPad3 NumPad4 NumPad5 NumPad6 NumPad7 NumPad8 NumPad9 Multiply |
Add Separator Subtract Decimal Divide F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 NumLock Scroll LShiftKey RShiftKey LControlKey RControlKey LMenu RMenu BrowserBack BrowserForward BrowserRefresh BrowserStop |